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West Midlands Police Federation

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Have you seen a UFO? Author would like to hear from you

6 December 2022

Cover of the first book.

The first book.

West Midlands Police Federation rep Roy Teague is working on the second volume of a book which lists UFO sightings by police officers and wants to hear from anyone who may have seen something unusual in the skies.

Roy, who has never spotted a UFO himself but remains fascinated by the subject, is hoping to repeat the success of Policing The Haunted Skies - Volume 1 which he and his co-author John Hanson published earlier this year.

He never planned to pen a second volume but said he had gathered too much information to squeeze into one book.

Roy said: “Earlier this year I put out an appeal to police and support staff, whether currently serving or retired, who had been a witness to or investigated a UFO incident.

“The response was so overwhelming that they were impossible to fit into a single book so I am now working on Volume 2 and once again appealing for witnesses to come forward as I know there are almost certainly many more police/UFO encounters out there yet to be told.  

“I would like to tell those stories and publish those accounts so they are saved for future generations. Any information provided to me will be treated in the strictest of confidence and, if requested, anonymity is absolutely assured.”

Roy became interested in UFOs when he turned the television on after getting home from a late shift and by pure chance ended up watching a documentary about mysterious sightings above air bases in the USA.

He said: “I enjoyed the documentary but I was sceptical. However, at the back of my mind I couldn’t but wonder why hundreds of military personnel would make up such a fantastical story?

“This led me to ponder who makes the best and who are the most credible witnesses to such a phenomenon? For me, it’s those that are in professional occupations who give more detailed evidence than perhaps others do by virtue of their training.”

As his fascination with the subject grew, he began to collect information on UK sightings and decided to record his findings in book form.

He said the reason for writing and publishing a book on the subject was simple: “I want to know the truth. Are we alone in the universe or not?”

Anyone with a UFO story to tell, or who would like to buy a copy of Policing The Haunted Skies - Volume 1, can contact Roy at roy.teague@westmidlands.police.uk.