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West Midlands Police Federation

West Midlands Police Federation contact details

Commonwealth Games: FAQs for officers

23 June 2022

West Midlands Police Federation has put together an FAQs document for officers ahead of the Commonwealth Games.

The factsheet covers a wide range of topics from overtime, shift changes and rest days to meal breaks, travel expenses and childcare provision.

Members with any concerns can get further advice from their workplace rep. 

Rich Cooke, chair of West Midlands Police Federation, said: “The Federation is acutely aware of the disruption to officers family life, stress , anxiety and financial cost to some officers the games has created. We are monitoring this closely and are in daily contact with the Op Unity team to ensure all officers get the clarity they need as soon as possible. Earlier in the week Tim Rogers & I met with the Chief Constable to highlight these issues. Hopefully, following the reinstatement of some rest days today, this will now start to happen for all officers involved.”

The Games are being held in Birmingham between 28 July and 7 August 2022. It will be the biggest sporting and cultural event to be held in the region and thousands of people will be either taking part or watching the event. 

The Force is responsible for the security of the event and has described it as the biggest operation in its history.

Read the FAQ document.