90 days from today is Sat, 28 September 2024

West Midlands Police Federation

West Midlands Police Federation contact details

Your new Branch Board

1 November 2021

The 14 representatives who form the West Midlands Police Federation Branch Board have now been elected.

The new board is:

Rich Cooke
Kin Devi
Julie Fleming
Mark Flynn
Dave Hadley
Sam Hughes
Christopher (Sid) James
Dawn Murkett
Darren Neville
Jon Nott
Tim Rogers
Rod Rose
Clifford Tomkinson, and
Deano Walker.

Nominations are now open for any member of the Branch Board to put themselves forward as branch chair with a vote among members to take place from 17 to 30 November.

The result of that election will be announced on 1 December and the Branch Board will then elect its other officials.