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WMPF considers outcome of pensions survey

27 January 2021

Almost 80 per cent of members who responded to our pensions survey would like West Midlands Police Federation to make some kind of contribution to those officers who had signed up to the private pension challenge with just over 50 per cent stating the full fees should be paid.

Around 20 per cent of the membership filled out the survey, which ran from mid-November to 18 December last year, with a good mix of those in the private pension challenge and those who were not.

“As a Federation, we were keen to find out members’ views so we set up a pensions working group which then commissioned this survey,” says Jon Nott, chair of West Midlands Police Federation.

“Last week, the working group met for an initial discussion of the findings and to consider the views of those who responded. A total of 78 per cent of people want us to make a financial contribution to members who will incur legal costs as a result of joining private pension challenge while just 17 per cent said we should not do that.

“So that is a clear outcome but there is still some way to go before we can make a firm decision on the best way forward and if any payment is agreed it will be financed solely from West Midlands Police Federation’s own reserves.”

The pension challenge was launched after the Government introduced the Career Average Revalued Earnings (CARE) Police Pension Scheme in 2015.

It has since been ruled that there was discrimination in the way the scheme was introduced and the Government is now considering how to remedy that discrimination.

West Midlands Police Federation’s Branch Council will discuss the outcome of its Pensions Working Group survey today (27 January) and also discuss the wider implications of the Government remedy.

“There are issues around whether those originally in the 2006 pension scheme will be better off moving back into that scheme or staying in the 2015 scheme in the longer term and if this would have an impact on the fees incurred by individuals in the private challenge,” says Jon.

“We are also asking questions as to whether members of the Group Insurance Scheme who joined that challenge would have any kind of legal cover for that.”

The working group will continue to consider all issues and is aiming to report back with further findings at the Branch Council meeting in May.

“There will be a full discussion at this council meeting and members will be able to feed in to this through their local reps,” Jon explains, “If it is agreed in principle that West Midlands Federation should make a contribution to its members in the private challenge, there will still be other factors to consider. For example, at this stage it is not known what the final cost of joining the challenge will be or the value of any compensation.”

The current tribunal process in terms of the Government remedy is still ongoing and may not be completed until towards the end of this year.

West Midlands Police Federation secretary Steve Grange has been hosting webinars for members who want to find out more. Please contact the Federation office if you would like to take part in one of these webinars.