90 days from today is Thu, 12 June 2025
29 September 2021
There are a limited number of places available at a pensions input evening being held on Teams next week.
National Federation vice-chair Ché Donald and secretary Alex Duncan will talk through where we are at in the current timeline in relation to the remedy process being looked at by the Government and issues that have been raised by the staff associations and others.
There will also be time for a question and answer session.
The event, which will be held on Teams on Thursday 7 October, is only open to 250 members, due to the restrictions of the online platform, and you must register to take part. Due to the restriction on numbers, a recording of the session will be available after the event.
The date has been offered to the branch at short notice.
For more details, look out for an email and internal messages from your Federation representatives.
Quick links to information on the national Police Federation website:
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