90 days from today is Thu, 12 June 2025
5 January 2021
West Midlands Police Federation chair Jon Nott has urged the public to stay at home and abide by the new lockdown restrictions.
Jon was speaking after Prime Minister Boris Johnson last night announced the third national lockdown.
“I think it is clear that we are at a critical point in the pandemic with the NHS being stretched to the limit as more and more people contract Covid-19 and hundreds of people die daily,” said Jon.
“To protect the NHS, we all need to play our part in trying to halt the spread of coronavirus by only leaving home for the very specific reasons set out by the Government.
“Throughout the pandemic, police officers have been out in their communities and have, by and large, been supported by the public. We would urge people to stick to the new rules, protect the NHS and also support the police who are trying to do a very difficult job during what are incredibly challenging times. We all have to work together.
“Police officers will continue to adopt the Four Es of policing – engaging with the public, explaining, encouraging and, as a last resort, enforcing.”
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