90 days from today is Thu, 12 June 2025
18 May 2021
A virtual festival celebrating Learning at Work Week 2021 is running within the Force from yesterday (17 May) to Sunday (23 May) and can be accessed via the ‘My Development’ portal.
The Force marks LAWW every year but this year’s theme is particularly relevant in terms of West Midlands Police’s people strategy and its plans to modernise how Learning and Development is prioritised, delivered and accessed.
This year’s theme is ‘Made for learning’ which is broken down into three key areas: human learning, connection and curiosity.
The virtual festival features a Main Learning Stage from which people can access live sessions and a Curiosity Tent providing access to a range of learning resources, videos and podcasts.
There is also a Pledge Connection Wall giving an opportunity for individuals to connect and add their pledge to learning and a Wellbeing Garden where people can link to resources about creating the right environment for learning and the impact learning and personal development has on wellbeing.
The My Learning & Career portal will be launched during LAWW to showcase some of the new tools and technology under development.
This provides an opportunity to raise awareness around self-directed learning, promote a learning culture and engage people in learning with a spotlight on the importance and benefits of continual development.
The festival is designed to help people identify their needs, give them some tools to take action and empower them to take ownership for driving their own personal development
You can find out more on Newsbeat, which gives details of which sessions which can be booked.
Quick links to information on the national Police Federation website:
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