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West Midlands Police Federation

West Midlands Police Federation contact details

What do you get for your Federation subscriptions?

20 February 2020

Officers often ask what they get from being a member of the Police Federation.

For many, the monthly fee comes out of their salary every month, but they are not sure exactly what they get in return.

Benefits of being in the Federation include:

  • Free legal advice, assistance and costs to members facing investigations brought against them for an offence committed in, or founded upon something done in the course or purported performance of, police duties
  • Welfare advice and help on personal issues
  • Advice and representation in misconduct proceedings
  • Help with civil and criminal injury claims
  • Help with providing the most up-to-date health and safety information
  • Help with grievance procedures
  • Support on legislative and political matters
  • Advice and support on issues such as sexual, racial or other discriminatory harassment
  • Representation at stakeholder seminars, meetings and round table discussions.

More than £13.1 million of the Federation budget is allocated to legal services. This includes representation to cover criminal injury compensation claims, civil matters, gross misconduct and performance matters, defamation, magistrates’ and crown court criminal legal representation, employment tribunals, regulations-related disputes, inquests and judicial reviews.

If officers are charged with criminal offences and attend court, their salaries are such that they would be required to make a contribution to their legal aid costs. If the offence is in relation to the performance or purported performance of police duties the Federation will assist and those officers will be represented without the need for legal aid and at no additional cost above their normal Federation subscription.

Subscription costs also pay for training for Federation reps in areas such as misconduct and grievance procedures, health and safety, equality and diversity and dealing with the media.

The elected workplace reps receive training on Police Regulations to ensure members are properly represented, should they face an issue. This could be about knowing their rights and entitlements, but it also could mean getting them the right support if they become victim of any workplace issues.

Subs also help fund a range of events to showcase the very best in policing, including the national Police Bravery Awards and National Police Memorial Day.

Membership costs less than £22 per month. In the first year as a probationary constable, the amount is discounted by 75 per cent, then 50 per cent in the second year. Only in the third year of membership do officers pay the full subscription rate. There is no discount for direct entry inspectors.

To join download and complete the application form and either email westmidlandspf@polfed.org or post it to Guardians House, 2111 Coventry Road, Sheldon, Birmingham B26 3EA.