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West Midlands Police Federation

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‘Those who attack police officers should feel the full weight of the law’

23 June 2020

West Midlands Police Federation chair Jon Nott says offenders who assault police officers should feel the full weight of the law.

Jon believes tougher sentences are needed to protect officers and to send out a clear message that physical or verbal attacks on the police will not be tolerated.

He was speaking after Home Secretary Priti Patel pledged to strengthen further the protection given to officers by increasing sentences for offenders who attack emergency service workers.

Jon said: “Our members are putting themselves in harm’s way and have been on the front-line during the coronavirus crisis serving their communities and helping protect the NHS while putting their own health – and that of their families – at risk. It’s wholly unacceptable they should then be threatened, attacked, verbally abused or even spat at, which during the pandemic brings with it the added anguish over COVID-19.

“We know that policing is dangerous enough without the added worry of being attacked just for wearing a uniform so it’s only right they have the full backing of the criminal justice system. Those who attack police officers should feel the full weight of the law, which is why we welcome the Home Secretary’s support for tougher sentences.”

The Federation has long campaigned for tougher sentences on those who attack members of the emergency services. Its high-profile Protect the Protectors campaign produced a significant result with the Assaults on Emergency Workers (Offences) Act, which came into law in November 2018 and introduced a 12-month maximum jail term for those who attack police officers or other emergency service personnel.

The Home Secretary reiterated her backing for even stronger sentences during a conference call with national Federation chair John Apter and three officers from Wales, West Yorkshire and Wiltshire, who has been the victims of assaults while on duty.

She told them: “Be assured you’ve got my full backing and support. Anything we can do to strengthen protection for officers is absolutely my focus – I am here to make that happen. I would like to give you all my personal thanks and gratitude for everything you did, as the work you do is so integral to the community.”

Along with local Federation branches, the national chair organised the online event to highlight the need for lengthier sentences for offenders who attack emergency workers and to ensure officers who were assaulted are given the support they need.

He said: “I’m pleased the Home Secretary has taken the time to really understand the level of violence and vulnerability experienced by police officers, hearing the accounts of brave police officers who were assaulted while protecting the public.

“We hope with this welcome support from the Home Secretary we will see legislation introduced which will allow for harsher sentences for cowardly and vile individuals who assault emergency workers.”