90 days from today is Sat, 28 September 2024

West Midlands Police Federation

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September eZine - out now!

18 September 2020

Our bi-monthly Federation newsletter eZine gets emailed to members. We'll also let you know when our magazine is published.

Here are the stories covered in our latest edition:

Officer assaults: maximum sentence to double
New legislation to double the sentence for assaulting a police officer has been fast-tracked by the Government.

Assaults increase by 31 per cent
Assaults on emergency service workers increased by 31 per cent when comparing July this year to the same period last year.

Extra staff helping with recruitment drive
The Force is currently managing almost 1,000 applications a month for student officer roles as the Government’s plans to recruit 20,000 more officers across England and Wales gather momentum.

Recruitment drive on track
The Force is on track to meet its Year 1 recruitment target as part of the Government’s three-year programme to increase officer numbers nationwide by 20,000 over three years, according to the secretary of West Midlands Police Federation.

Pension Working Group survey
The newly formed West Midlands Police Federation (WMPF) Pension Working Group wants to understand what officers know about the current situation around pensions.

Federation seeks support of transport minister
Transport minister Grant Shapps is being asked to support a change in legislation which could give better protection to the police when they stop vehicles after a series of incidents in which officers have been seriously injured by drivers making off during a police stop.

IOPC progress welcomed
West Midlands Police Federation conduct lead George McDonnell says there’s a lot more work to be done to improve the timeliness of investigations by the police watchdog.

Federation conduct leads call for better IOPC training
Better training would help reduce the time it takes investigators from the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) to decide whether officers involved in Post-Incident Procedures (PIP) are witnesses or suspects or if the case will be referred to the force or the watchdog.

Breast cancer diagnosis leads Sam to help others
While Sam Hughes was receiving treatment for breast cancer, she spent hours trawling through paperwork and websites trying to decipher what help and support was available to her and what the deductions that been taken from her wages each month actually entitled her to.

ACC on a mission for MNDA
Assistant Chief Constable Chris Johnson is on a mission to walk 5,000 steps in support of the Motor Neurone

New Federation representative puts focus on fairness
Peri Dhesi is committed to increasing fairness across the Force.

Retirement seminars – 2021 dates set
Dates have now been set for next year’s West Midlands Police Federation retirement seminars.

Federation office now open
The Federation’s office administration team is now working from Guardians House again – following a period of working from home through Covid 19.

New recruit gives insight into training during pandemic
April Baker had volunteered as a Special for 18 months before joining the Force as a recruit on the Police Constable Degree Apprenticeship scheme.

Claire praised for supporting autistic man
A police officer has been praised for going ‘above and beyond’ by the family of an autistic dad who had been conned out of his pension and savings of more than £75,000.

Will swaps the highlife for Special duties
Special Constable Will Mott has decided to swap Sydney and Shanghai for Solihull.

Federation support for Andrew’s Law campaign
PC Andrew Harper’s widow, Lissie, has launched a campaign for ‘Andrew’s Law’ to ensure those convicted of killing police officers and other emergency service workers face life in prison.

Remembering fallen officers
The National Police Memorial Day service will be held online this year to ensure that fallen officers and their families can still be honoured and remembered.

Widows’ pension challenge heads to the High Court
Police pension rules which force widows and widowers to choose between love and financial security have been challenged in the High Court.

Did you have your say on pay and morale?
The annual Police Federation pay and morale survey has closed – with the findings being revealed later this year.

Forces urged to share body-worn video
Forces should release police officers’ body-worn video (BWV) footage to help protect them from unfair criticism and trial by media, says the deputy secretary of West Midlands Police Federation.

Benevolent Fund benefits resume following lockdown
As normality slowly returns following lockdown, the Benevolent Fund’s membership benefits have also resumed.

Flint House re-opened
Flint House, the police rehabilitation centre, has re-opened after coronavirus forced its closure earlier in the year.

Safety review confirms need for better protection for officers
A report on officer safety is calling for new legislation that makes it a specific indictable criminal offence for anyone to use, threaten or attempt to use a vehicle to deliberately target a police officer or front-line staff member.

Home Secretary in wide-ranging interview with Fed chair
The Home Secretary has compared her role as a politician with that of a police officer in an online interview with the Police Federation of England and Wales.

Get active for Police Care UK
West Midlands Police Federation chair Jon Nott has encouraged members to take part in the Get Active Challenge and support the work of Police Care UK.

Police covenant will become law
West Midlands Police Federation chair Jon Nott says plans to create a Police Covenant will recognise the unique role of officers and staff and will improve support and protection for them.

Motoring deals with your Federation
Whether you are looking to buy or lease a new car, rent a vehicle, take out a new motor insurance policy or get your car repaired then don’t go any further without checking out our various Member Services offers.

Vauxhall offers friends and family deal
If you are looking for a new car then Vauxhall Partners are offering you a £500 discount.

Benevolent Fund welcomes bumper crop of new joiners
We’ve seen a wonderful boost to our membership this summer and have welcomed over 250 new members.

The PAG Report & Treatment of Police Pensions upon Divorce
The report of the Pension Advisory Group (“PAG”), “a Guide to the Treatment of Pensions on Divorce” was published in July 2019.