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West Midlands Police Federation

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Sam offers support to officers nationwide

1 December 2020

Officers from across the country have contacted West Midlands Police Federation workplace representative Sam Hughes for help and support after she put together a list of tips and advice for anyone diagnosed with a serious illness.

Sam came up with the list after receiving treatment for breast cancer and spending hours trawling through paperwork and websites trying to decipher what help and support was available to her and what the deductions taken from her wages each month actually entitled her to.

Her story was featured in the July edition of the West Midlands Police Federation magazine and was then picked up by the national Federation magazine POLICE.

“After the articles were published, I was contacted by officers from as far afield as Devon and Cornwall, Wales, Suffolk, Norfolk and Sussex,” said Sam, “I heard some quite disturbing stories, for example, one officer explained she was struggling to get appropriate body armour after having had a mastectomy but I also had some nice feedback from officers who received the guidance I had put together

“I can remember while I was undergoing my treatment thinking that it would have been helpful to have had a tick list summing everything up for me. I didn’t know where to turn to when I was diagnosed, so I wanted to be able to offer support and practical guidance to help make other people’s journeys that little bit easier. The last thing you need when you are having treatment and feeling unwell is to have to go through lots of paperwork or online resources to find out what you want to know.

“At the point of being diagnosed, you are bombarded with information but it can be hard to decipher what you actually need to know. I am pleased that those who contacted me after seeing the articles were able to make use of the guide I had put together and I am hoping to build on this too.”

West Midlands Police Federation is now working with Sam to have the tips produced in a booklet format so that it can be more widely circulated.
Sam is liaising with the Force HR managers to implement a programme of changes to how the Force helps and supports people on long-term sick. This includes designated points of contact, a buddy system, and changes to working practices to make the process easier for officers who are off sick and need support.

She has also encouraged Federation members to ensure they subscribe to the Group Insurance Scheme after receiving ‘absolutely fantastic’ support from the Red Arc counselling service provided through the scheme. “They really provided me with a life-line,” said Sam.

Sam, who is based in the review and allocation team as part of the Public Protection Unit, can be contacted by emailing Samantha.hughes@polfed.org if you would like a copy of the tips she has collated.