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West Midlands Police Federation

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National chair: combatting violence against officers is top of Federation’s agenda

26 October 2020

National chair John Apter says the Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) will continue to campaign for tough sentences to deter attacks on officers.

There were 30,000 assaults against officers in the past year, a rise of more than five per cent, and John says the Federation is determined to make policing safer for members.

“These figures come as no surprise,” he said, “Every time statistics come out, they show there’s been an increase in the number of officers who have been assaulted.

“Any assault on an officer is totally unacceptable and to see the number increasing is extremely concerning.

“Combatting violence against police officers is at the top of the Federation’s agenda – and mine.

“PFEW has done a lot of work on this and continues to do so – whether that is the Protect the Protectors campaign to pushing for a Police Covenant to provide better protections for officers.”

He added: “The Federation’s Protect the Protectors’ campaign successfully brought about the Assaults on Emergency Workers (Offences) Act 2018 which saw the maximum penalty for assaulting an emergency worker increased from six to 12 months and, this year, the bringing forward of a new law to increase that maximum from 12 months to two years.

“In addition to this, we’ve also been lobbying the Sentencing Council to make sure this two-year maximum is fully utilised to deter attacks on blue light workers.”

John’s comments came in a Q & A session, featured on the national Federation website, in which he highlighted the Federation’s campaigning work to protect members in their jobs and included a focus on the value of protective equipment such as Taser and spit guards.

“I know of countless occasions when Taser has without doubt saved the lives of officers and members of the public,” he said. “In many cases, it has prevented officers from having to use greater force.

“I know that Taser is contentious for some, but I would ask them - what’s the alternative? PFEW supports a much wider roll-out of Taser and I firmly believe every officer who wants to carry one - and we know many do - should have access.”

He added: “The Federation has long been campaigning for officers to carry spit guards and I’m glad that as a result of this most officers in England and Wales can now do so.

“I find it staggering there was an initial reluctance from politicians and leaders in policing regarding spit guards when it was obvious they were badly needed.

“It won’t prevent spitting, but it’s another tool in the policing toolbox to protect officers and their families from harm.”

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