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West Midlands Police Federation

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May eZine - out now!

14 May 2020

Our bi-monthly Federation newsletter eZine gets emailed to members. We'll also let you know when our magazine is published.

Here are the stories covered in our latest edition:

Confusion over new guidelines will make officers’ jobs even harder
The confusion and lack of clarity surrounding the Government’s plans for an easing of lockdown will just make police officers’ jobs even harder, says the chair of West Midlands Police Federation.

Fed health and safety lead working with Force over social distancing concerns
The Federation’s health and safety lead is now working with his Force counterpart visiting stations where social distancing is proving to be a worrying issue.

Don’t use coronavirus as a weapon
West Midlands Police Federation chair Jon Nott has urged the public to respect officers and front-line workers dealing with the coronavirus crisis in a TV interview.

Sergeant talks about reality of policing during crisis
A video highlighting the fears of a West Midlands Police officer during the coronavirus pandemic has been featured on Capital FM Midlands News.

Learning and Development adapts to allow training to continue
A one-way system has been adopted at Tally Ho as part of a package of measures introduced by Learning and Development (L & D) to allow Force training to continue as safely as possible.

Support on hand
The Federation backed Welfare Support Programme (WSP) will provide invaluable support to police officers in the front-line dealing with the coronavirus pandemic over the weeks and months ahead, according to Dave Hadley, West Midlands Police Federation’s deputy discipline secretary.

‘One of the most challenging periods ever for policing’
Officers could suffer a long-lasting mental impact as they respond to more and more deaths during the coronavirus crisis, according to the Federation’s national wellbeing lead.

Coronavirus hub
West Midlands Police Federation chair Jon Nott is encouraging members to stay in touch with the latest coronavirus information by accessing an online hub launched by Oscar Kilo, the National Police Wellbeing Service.

Force chaplains offering support
The Force Multi-Faith Chaplaincy Team will do all it can to support officers, staff and their family members during the Coronavirus crisis, the lead chaplain has promised.

Maintain your fitness during lockdown
West Midlands Police officers and their families are being given a great opportunity to maintain their fitness from the comfort of their own home during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Snacking officers help care home staff
When PC Paul (Jock) Williamson invested £50 of his own money in setting up a tuck shop at Summerfield Police Station he was simply trying to help out his colleagues.

Close shave helps NHS charities
A group of West Midlands Police officers and PCSOs are sporting a more aerodynamic look after shaving their heads to raise money for NHS charities.

Traffic officers help hospice
Force traffic officers have clubbed together to donate personal protection equipment (PPE) for staff at Erdington’s John Taylor Hospice.

Policing events cancelled
Three key events in the policing year will not go ahead this year due to the pandemic.

Recruitment progress welcomed
West Midlands Police Federation secretary Steve Grange has welcomed the Force’s progress in recruiting new officers as part of the Government’s three-year pledge to boost officer numbers by 20,000 over a three-year period.

Support for move to better protect officers who stop vehicles
The Federation is working with the Home Office to amend the new Police Powers and Protections Bill to allow for a new power for officers to require motorists to get out of their vehicles when requested to do so after a police stop.

Consider the Force needs and your own when seeking flexible working
Officers seeking flexible working arrangements need to take into account not only their own needs but also those of the Force when submitting their applications, and should highlight the benefits to both them and the organisation, according to the Federation’s personnel lead.

Use My Time when seeking annual leave
Members are being reminded of the need to apply for annual leave using the My Time portal.

You really can make a difference by being a Fed rep
Chris James says he gets huge ‘pride and satisfaction’ from helping others as a Federation representative.

Sam seeks to improve Force support after breast cancer diagnosis
An officer who has returned to work after treatment for breast cancer is now working with the Federation and the Force to try to improve the support that is offered to others who find themselves in similar circumstances in the future.

Actors support ACC’s fund-raising team
A group of West Midlands officers who are running the Liverpool Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon to raise money for the Motor Neurone Disease Association (MNDA) have received support from two leading TV actors.

DHEP recruit: ‘policing gives me a sense of purpose’
Unlike many new policing recruits, Pete Bock had enjoyed more than just a taste of civvy street before being accepted into West Midlands Police.

Regulations reminder: short notice change to duties
All officers should receive at least three months’ notice to any changes in duties – unless the Force deems it to be due to exigencies of duty.

Boot offer
A top boot manufacturer has launched a special offer for members of West Midlands Police Federation.

West Midlands Police Benevolent Fund
As the country adjusts to a new way of life due to the Covid-19 crisis, the charity work of West Midlands Police Benevolent Fund still continues.

What constitutes work related stress? (Slater + Gordon)
Stress in its simplest form can actually be a good thing. Many of us actually need stress to perform at our best.