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West Midlands Police Federation

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George features in national Federation magazine

11 December 2020

West Midlands Police Federation’s conduct lead has discussed his role as part of a national Federation campaign focussing on the work of conduct and performance liaison officers (CAPLO).

In an interview with POLICE magazine, George McDonnell outlined why he took on the conduct role, why he found it rewarding, the challenges of the position and how he felt he made a difference to members.

George said: “I was subject to a lengthy investigation myself. I know what it’s like and my top priority is members’ welfare. It is not just them going through a ‘living nightmare’, it is their partners, children, wider family members and colleagues at work,” George said.

As part of the Federation campaign, national conduct and performance lead Phill Matthews also shared his expertise and discussed the Federation’s work around complaints.

Phill, chair of the national Federation’s conduct and performance sub-committee, recorded a video about the new conduct and performance regulations introduced earlier this year and what they meant for members.

Phill also blogged about the Federation’s work on conduct and performance and looked ahead to next year’s goals.

“We will continue to work tirelessly to ensure colleagues are treated fairly should they ever find themselves subject to misconduct proceedings and push back on misinformation circling the web,” he said.

“Your sub-committee and your force conduct leads are all active reps with your best interests at heart and will continue to fight your corner as we strive to achieve even more in 2021.”

Phill’s video and blog are part of a bulletin that focuses on the work of the Federation around conduct and performance.

The Federation has brought together videos, case studies and blogs to highlight the work that’s being done in the area by its conduct and performance sub-committee and Federation branches across England and Wales.

They include the hard-hitting stories of four officers subjected to conduct investigations.

The Federation’s conduct and performance secretary, Tiff Lynch, has also blogged about working to make the conduct and performance system fit for purpose, and about the risks of social media.

“Social media is a growing part of our world and we need to embrace it; we just need to make sure we do it appropriately,” she said.

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