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West Midlands Police Federation

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Force switches to new rehabilitation centre

14 October 2020

The Police Treatment Centres (PTC) will be providing rehabilitation to officers from West Midlands Police from the start of next year.

As part of the new arrangement, all student officers will receive their first 12 months’ subscription to the PTC free of charge.

And, any officers signing up to the PTC before 30 April 2021 next year will not have to be a member for a minimum of 12 months before they can access treatment as is usually the case.

“A small monthly donation will give officers access to the expertise available at the Police Treatment Centres in Harrogate or Auchterarder,” says Steve Grange, secretary of West Midlands Police Federation.

“The PTC have vast experience in helping people get back to work through Physiotherapy and Psychological Wellbeing Programmes specifically tailored for those working in the police service.”

The treatment centres are available to all serving West Midlands Police officers, PCSOs, Special Constables and detention and custody officers. Retired officers can also sign up at a lower rate.

Any serving officer who had previously been donating to Flint House will automatically be transferred to the PTC from 1 January 2021. Any officer wishing to stay with Flint House will need to contact payroll and also set up a direct debit for their subscription.

If you are not currently subscribing to Flint House but would like to find out more about subscribing to the PTC please visit their website where you can also find the sign up forms.

The Police Treatment Centres is a registered charity supported by voluntary donations from the police family. Officers currently make a donation from their pay of £1.80 per week.

Almost 4,000 serving and retired officers attend the two centres each year with most receiving intensive physiotherapy. Others seek support with stress-related conditions or anxiety and depression as part of a Psychological Wellbeing Programme.

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