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Federation conduct leads call for better IOPC training

11 August 2020

Better training would help reduce the time it takes investigators from the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) to decide whether officers involved in Post-Incident Procedures (PIP) are witnesses or suspects or if the case will be referred to the force or the watchdog.

That was the message Federation conduct and performance leads gave to Kathie Cashell, the IOPC’s director of strategy and impact, when she asked them for feedback on how processes could be improved during a virtual meeting at the end of July.

They reported that at times there seemed to be a ‘lack of empowerment’ and said IOPC investigators were slow in making decisions when involved in PIP.

IOPC director general Michael Lockwood made a commitment to notifying officers of their status as witness or suspect within three months during a meeting with the Federation in May when similar concerns were raised.

The reps in the most recent meeting also called for better disclosure training since reps often struggled to get materials that could be used in officers’ defence. 

Phill Matthews, the Federation’s national conduct and performance lead, said: “We will quite often ask for materials as we further our defence and we get answers either through gritted teeth or literally at the very last minute when our lawyers have to get involved. This is a waste of time, effort and energy when we are trying to prepare for a hearing or meeting.”

But he welcomed the opportunity to work with the IOPC to help it improve its processes.

The Federation stressed the need for better communication from both investigators and the IOPC media office with details given to reps and officers on the status of their case usually being ‘woefully unhelpful’.

Inflammatory language and factual inaccuracies in press releases were also an issue, the reps said, along with not being sighted on appeal decisions before they reached the media.

George McDonnell, West Midlands Police Federation’s conduct lead, said the meeting provided an ideal opportunity for conduct leads across the country to suggest where the IOPC could improve its processes.

“Federation reps are dealing with conduct cases day after day and see first-hand the pressure being under investigation has on officers,” explained George, “But this is compounded by long-drawn-out inquiries and a lack of information coming out of the IOPC.

“We believe that giving officers regular updates on the progress of any investigations is essential and when they are involved in a PIP they need to know as soon as possible whether they are being classed as a witness or a suspect. The uncertainty causes an incredible amount of stress.

“We welcome the IOPC’s efforts to involve us as it continues to improve the way it operates and hope this continues.”