90 days from today is Wed, 11 June 2025

West Midlands Police Federation

West Midlands Police Federation contact details

CAPLO Christmas Message for Members

6 December 2019

For those of you working - stay safe.

For those of you fortunate enough to have a few days off - enjoy.

Why this message - every year we get asked why do we circulate something like this, and every year one or more officers get arrested over the Xmas/New Year period.

So, again, a bit of advice to help keep your festive period festive and to avoid anyone meeting the on call Fed Rep and solicitor at Perry Barr/Oldbury etc.

  • Don't drink and drive.
  • Don't use your warrant card to travel on public transport unless it's to and from work - and not whilst you're under the influence of alcohol, this is something BTP are keen to enforce.
  • Don't consume excess alcohol on an evening when you're on earlies the next day - keep in view your fitness to drive and work the next morning. We are at present seeing an increase with officers attending work and being asked to take a breathalyser test, leaving themselves really vulnerable.
  • Drink sensibly - if you're out in a group, look after each other.
  • Don't give your personal mobile out to any member of the public you've met via your day job/role as a police officer - on duty or off duty.
  • Don't go out socially with any member of the public you've met via your day job/role as a police office.
  • If you find yourself in a difficult/challenging domestic/family situation - walk away
    - Don't use social media whilst under the influence of alcohol - think before you hit 'post/send'.