90 days from today is Wed, 11 June 2025

West Midlands Police Federation

West Midlands Police Federation contact details

Memorial service open to officers

3 May 2018

Charity Number

Plans are now underway for this year’s National Police Memorial Day (NPMD).

This year’s service will be held at the Waterfront Hall in Belfast on Sunday 30 September.

“I would encourage all officers to attend the memorial day at least once during their police service,” says John Williams, acting chair of West Midlands Police Federation.

“The service sees police leaders, MPs such as the Home Secretary, civic dignitaries and sometimes even royalty, since HRH The Prince of Wales is patron of the NPMD charity, stand side by side with families to remember and pay tribute to those officers who have died in the line of duty.

“It is a very moving service and shows those families that the officer and their sacrifice is not forgotten.”

Register to attend

Please also email the Federation at westmidlandspf@polfed.org if you are planning to attend.
