90 days from today is Wed, 11 June 2025
2 November 2018
As part of its Frontline Review of policing, the Home Office is seeking the views of officers and police staff. The review, sponsored by the Policing Minister Nick Hurd MP, has been collecting feedback all summer, with a view to using it to inform ongoing policy development in areas such as welfare and you can apply to take part.
From November 2018, the Home Office will be hosting a series of regional workshops, bringing together staff and officers to share ideas and discuss next steps for implementing findings.
Workshops will be taking place over the next three months. For details of the date and location of all the workshops, please see the table below. If you would like to take part, please complete and return this questionnaire to DCM@ons.gov.uk.
Speaking at our annual conference in May, Home Secretary Sajid Javid announced that he would conduct a review of frontline policing, giving officers and staff in England and Wales the opportunity to share their ideas for change and improvements in policing.
You may have already engaged with the review during the summer, using Twitter, POLKA or force-based channels. This is your opportunity to speak to government representatives in person.
The findings of the review are due to be published in the spring of 2019.
Quick links to information on the national Police Federation website:
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