90 days from today is Sun, 22 June 2025
What is the Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW)?
We are a staff association for police constables, sergeants, inspectors, chief inspectors and members of the Special Constabulary. We are one of the largest staff associations in the UK voicing the views of more than 145,000 rank and file police officers. Find out more about our organisational aims, objectives or our structure.
Why should I join the Federation?
Membership of the Federation is optional. Members receive support and advice from fellow officers who are elected workplace representatives and have received training on Police Regulations to ensure you are properly represented, should you face an issue. This could be about knowing your rights and entitlements, but it also could mean getting you the right support if you become victim of any workplace issues.
During performance and misconduct proceedings, a Fed rep will help, advise and represent you. Federation members can make criminal, misconduct and civil applications for legal assistance (in compliance with our Funding Criteria – see Q.5) should they need it. Membership of the Federation is also required in order for you to subscribe to the West Midlands Police Federation Group Insurance Scheme.
Membership also gives you access to a host of benefits from a range of affiliated providers who offer discounts on financial, health, travel, legal, home, vehicle and telecoms products and services.
Members can also book discounted overnight accommodation at our training and hotel facilities at Federation House in Leatherhead, Surrey.
How much does it cost per month to be a member?
You can opt to become a subscribing member of the Federation which entitles you to the full range of support and assistance in accordance with our rules. Membership costs £24.31 per month.
In your first year as a student officer, the amount is discounted by 50 per cent. In your second year of membership you pay the full subscription rate.
There is no discount for direct entry inspectors. However, during your first two years of membership you are entitled to the full range of benefits. Once you have become a member, your monthly subscription will be deducted directly from your pay by the Force. They then pass that money to the Federation.
If you decide to be a non-subscribing member of PFEW, you will still get limited access to support from reps but you will not be able to access legal assistance or funding.
You can claim tax relief on your Federation subscriptions. Find out more.
How do I join the PFEW?
Please complete the application form* and either email westmidlandspf@polfed.org or post it to Guardians House, 2111 Coventry Road, Sheldon, Birmingham B26 3EA.
* Please note that by joining the Federation, this is not automatic entry to the Group Insurance Scheme. You must be a member of the Federation and then complete the relevant Group Insurance Scheme application forms. Find out more.
Special Constables
In what is an historic milestone for policing, a change of legislation means that for the very first time Specials can now be a member of the Police Federation and have access to the appropriate support if any workplace issues are encountered.
With many forces looking at the option of training and equipping Special Constables with Taser while on duty, there has never been a more important time to ensure they have the right legal and expert cover.
As a member of the Police Federation, Specials will:
Further information about becoming a member, including your rights as a Special Constable, can be found at: Special Constables at PFEW.
For Specials, Federation membership is currently just £24.31 per month and is paid for by West Midlands Police for the security and peace of mind that they are appropriately covered and protected while on duty.
To join, please download and complete the application form and either return by email to westmidlandspf@polfed.org or post to Guardians House, 2111 Coventry Road, Sheldon, Birmingham, B26 3EA.
Once a member of the Federation you may wish to join the Group Insurance Scheme.
For more information please see the Group Insurance Scheme section.
Cancelling membership
If you wish to terminate your membership, or stop paying subscriptions, you must give not less than one month’s notice to us in writing.
Quick links to information on the national Police Federation website:
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