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Nicky praises national chair for his support for the Welsh forces

26 October 2021

Police Federation Welsh lead Nicky Ryan has praised outgoing national chair John Apter.

John, who took up the role in August 2018, has announced his decision not to seek re-election next year.

Nicky said John had always shown a positive commitment to Wales and the Federation’s Welsh Affairs Sub-Committee (WASC), particularly at the height of the coronavirus pandemic when the English and Welsh governments introduced different restrictions and lockdown regulations.

She said the Welsh police forces had also experienced a greater sense of inclusion within the Police Federation in recent years.

“In the past, the Welsh forces sometimes felt there was a lack of support from the centre and at one time it seemed they were almost forgotten about,” says Nicky.

“But this has since improved and we have colleagues from the English forces who regularly attend WASC meetings which is invaluable.

“John has been national chair during an incredibly challenging period for policing, not least in the pandemic when our colleagues in England were operating under a different set of rules to those here in Wales.

“But his commitment to Police Federation members in Wales remained wholehearted and positive throughout this difficult time despite the potential pitfalls.”

John was the first national chair to be elected by Police Federation members.

Announcing his decision to stand down last week, he said: “This role is a privilege to hold and it truly is an honour to do what I do. However, I feel after a pretty eventful three and a half years for the Police Federation and for policing in general, and with almost 30 years’ service, it’s time for me to move on.

“I’ve been a Fed rep for as long as I can remember; I love what the Federation and our reps do and I couldn’t be more proud of the small part I have played.

“A lot has happened since I became national chair, both professionally and personally; it’s been relentless. In all that time, all I have ever done is my best, and I hope that in some small way I have helped make a positive difference.

“I will continue to do my very best until the new national chair takes up the position in April 2022 and I wish them well in this exciting and unique role. It’s truly something special.”