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Elaine supports committee

6 July 2021

National Federation senior policy officer Elaine Parker attends meetings of the Welsh Affairs Sub-Committee (WASC), offering information and assistance to its members.

Elaine also provides a vital link between the WASC and the pay and conditions work carried out by Alex Duncan, the national secretary of the Police Federation of England and Wales.

Elaine has 18 years of experience working for the Federation, and calls on that to support Alex in his role.

Elaine, who was also a branch secretary for the GMB union and a research fellow at Queen Mary University of London, said: “I’ve enjoyed working on both the Police Negotiating Board (PNB) and, since its inception, the Police Consultative Forum (PCF).

“I support the national secretary on pay and conditions matters that sit under the PCF as well as those that are considered by the Police Remuneration Review Body.

“Hopefully, I can provide a link between the work of the Welsh Affairs Sub-committee and the on-going work on pay and conditions matters being progressed by the national Secretary.”