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Welsh lead attends key event hosted by Napo and UNISON

12 July 2023

The Welsh lead has highlighted the importance of regular engagement between the Police Federation and politicians after she attended the Napo and UNISON Cymru event where the future of probation in Wales was the main focus.

Nicky Ryan joined probation workers and union leaders at the event which took place in Cardiff last month and was also attended by First Minister of Wales, Mark Drakeford MS, Welsh Government and Dame Vera Baird KC.

While the event focussed on a range of issues, the main item on the agenda was the relationship between probation workers and the Welsh Government, and more specifically the devolution of probation in Wales as recommended within the Gordon Brown Report.

“As the Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW), we remain neutral on the devolution of policing and on all issues discussed. However, it was reassuring and encouraging to see that there are positive conversations happening between the Welsh Government and unions to ensure that the best service is created should the devolution of probation happen,” said Nicky.

“It’s clear that probation staff are experiencing the same struggles and issues as our teams in policing with regards to demands versus capacity.

Mark Drakeford, who formerly worked as a probation officer, spoke at the event, setting out plans for a devolved probation service and arguing that workers would have a well-trained and well-prepared service if it were controlled by the Senedd and not the Westminster government.

He said: “Rebuilding lives is the best form of crime prevention. There would be a much stronger sense of probation service as a partner in the family of devolved services.”