90 days from today is Sun, 15 June 2025
19 April 2024
As I am sure you are well aware, the National Police Federation of England & Wales PFEW is going through a period of significant change as well as uncertainty.
The work PFEW is doing to professionalise and modernise the organisation is positive; I do understand many of our members will have questions or concerns.
PFEW CEO Mukund Krishna is travelling around the 43 forces of England & Wales where he would like to engage with as many members as possible in person.
Mukund will be visiting Surrey Police HQ on Tuesday 23rd April 2024 between 1600hrs & 1800hrs where he will be available to listen to your concerns & answer questions regarding your National Police Federation.
Please come & join your Chair Darren Pemble & the PFEW CEO at the Mount Brown Lecture theatre so that he can tell you what you are getting for your subscriptions.
We look forward to meeting you all.