90 days from today is Tue, 10 June 2025
14 July 2023
The 7% pay rise for police officers is a step in the right direction, but it still is still a real-term pay cut for officers, according to Surrey Police Federation.
The government announced yesterday that all officers will get the 7% uplift from September, but this is lower than the 17% requested by the Police Federation of England and Wales. It submitted that figure to the Police Remuneration Review Body after an independent report found that policing has endured a 17% real term pay cut since 2000.
Surrey Police Federation Chair Darren Pemble said: “Many officers were fearing that they would receive a smaller pay award, so some recognition of what we do in policing is welcomed. Police officers every day perform a tough and difficult job protecting our communities, so they really do deserve a decent pay award. Life is still a struggle for many financially, but I hope that this will help officers.
“Your Federation local and National will continue to push for fair pay awards that take into account inflation and recognise and reward the unique status of police officers.
“All we ask is that there is a fair, independent mechanism and negotiation process, so that we can properly sit down with Government and employers to negotiate pay settlements that fully consider the risks and restrictions placed on police officers’ private and professional lives. The focus going forward needs to be on pay restoration.
“With this in mind, we will be balloting our membership in the coming months on industrial rights as to whether this is something that you wish for PFEW to pursue.
“I was privileged to be at the National Bravery Awards last night in London where I was blown away by the many brave and courageous officers that were nominated across England and Wales. I was humbled by the heroic and selfless officers who went above and beyond to arrest dangerous criminals and put themselves in danger risking serious injury to save members of the public.
“The theme of the night from the nominees and winners was that they were just doing their job. It is a job like no other and in the darkest times we pull together as a team.
“It was a wonderful occasion to show some well-deserved recognition for our Brave Police officers across the country.
“I also recognise that everyday Surrey officers work tirelessly policing their communities, so I send you my thanks for doing a difficult job.
“Please stay safe out there and I hope to see you soon. Please tell us in the Fed office if you need support and we will do our best to help you.
“I would like to take this opportunity to remind officers of our 1 to 1 clinics with mortgage and financial advisors should they need advice.
“Contact us at admin@surrey.polfed.org for further information and assistance.”