90 days from today is Tue, 10 June 2025
15 September 2023
Male Surrey Police officers and staff aged between 45 and 60 are being urged to book a free blood test for prostate cancer.
The PSA tests, which can save lives, have been funded by Surrey Police Federation, Sussex Police Federation, local UNISON branches, and both Surrey and Sussex forces.
They are being provided at local police stations (see below for details) for police officers and staff aged between 45 and 60, or between 40 and 44 and with a family history of cancer.
This week, Surrey Police Federation’s Equality & Wellbeing Lead Elena Boafo and Office Manager Lianne Would attended Staines Police Station and brought chocolates along for those who’d booked a test.
Prostate cancer generally has no symptoms in its early stages, so it is important to diagnose the disease before symptoms arise and while it is still likely to be curable. A PSA test is a simple blood test and is the best readily available indicator of a possible prostate problem.
Black or mixed black ethnicity men are at double the risk of prostate cancer and develop it younger. If this applies to you, please book a test.
The events are taking place on:
Thanks to DS Matt Stickland and Kevin Coombs for securing funding and organising the tests. Further information can be found on the Graham Fulford Charitable Trust website here: https://gfct.mypsatests.org.uk/.
To book a test, search PSA on the intranet.