90 days from today is Sun, 15 June 2025
27 July 2021
Surrey Police officers should not be used as part of a PR stunt to show that everything is rosy between policing and the Government - when nothing could be further from the truth.
That’s the view of the body that represents the county’s 2,000 police officers, in response to a visit to Surrey today (27 July) by Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Home Secretary Priti Patel to promote the Government’s latest crime-fighting plan.
“Our colleagues should not be used as public relations pawns by politicians,” said Mel Warnes, Chair of Surrey Police Federation. “I very much doubt any of our colleagues will be smiling at the thought of meeting two people who have decided against giving them any sort of pay rise… despite everything police officers across the country have done these past 18 months.
“Police officers have given everything. The Government has given us nothing. Frankly their visit is not welcomed by I am sure the majority of hard-working police officers.”
Just days ago (22 July), the Police Federation of England and Wales passed a vote of no confidence in Home Secretary Priti Patel after she awarded police officers a 0% pay rise.
The Federation has also withdrawn its support and engagement from the Police Remuneration Review Body, labelling the current police officer pay mechanism ‘not fit for purpose’.
“Hard working Surrey Police officers should not be used to show that everything is rosy with the Government,” said Mel.
“The Government has given us meaningless platitudes and empty words for too long and has given us nothing in return. The proposed 0% pay rise we have been granted – or not granted - is nothing short of a disgrace.
“Our members have worked through the Covid-19 pandemic – there has been no working from home for the majority of front line officers. They have put themselves in harm’s way whilst trying to protect the public, protect themselves and importantly keep their families and friends safe.
“For the Government to not even consider a pay rise for police officers is a real kick in the teeth and shows a total lack of respect and contempt towards our officers.”
Mel added: “Earlier in 2021, police officers – despite the many dangers they face – officers were also told that they would not receive any sort of priority for the Covid-19 vaccine.
“To top it off we have now not been given a pay rise, yet we see other public service areas – fire fighters and the NHS - receiving an increase to pay. It just shows what police officers truly mean to the Government. We have limited rights as police officers and the Government need to stop taking advantage of that. “
Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Home Secretary Priti Patel were in Surrey today to promote the launch of his “beating crime plan” where the Government has claimed that every victim of crime will have a 'named officer to call.
Police officers in Surrey have received backing from their Chief Constable.
Tweeting last week, Chief Constable Gavin Stephens said: “Colleagues have done extraordinary work during the pandemic & in real terms officer pay is behind where it was a decade ago. It is critical that we reward & retain experienced officers & thousands of new recruits with pay that allows a good standard of living.
“In future years, fully funding increases, keeping pace within inflation and allowing officers earnings to catch up, is essential for financial well-being and to recognise the exceptional work done to keep communities safe and feeling safe.”