90 days from today is Sun, 15 June 2025
11 January 2021
Surrey Police Federation Chair Mel Warnes on the challenges Lockdown 3 is bringing to policing and the reality of what officers are facing as they work to keep people safe from Covid-19.
Mel said: “Lockdown 3 is a clear message for the public to do the right thing. Those that don’t or repeatedly think the lockdown rules don’t apply to them can expect to be dealt with. Policing in Surrey remains the same and engagement is the starting point.
“There are, of course a small amount who make a genuine mistake and once engaged with do the right thing. However, there are increasing numbers who think that lockdown rules don’t apply to them.
“Policing is already stretched, and officers cannot respond to all reports of one-off incidents. When police do respond we have seen negativity in the press, yet if they don’t respond that’s not right either.
“I have said before that the public really do have to take personal responsibility during lockdown and do the right thing. Now more than ever.
“Police officers are constantly risking their own safety every day attending calls and having close contact with the public. Those that are breaching lockdown rules increase the contact for no good reason.
“Throughout the pandemic officers are risking taking home the virus to family members, some of whom are vulnerable. Some had taken measures to live elsewhere, but that can’t and shouldn’t be a long-term arrangement.
“Police officers being vaccinated - after the most vulnerable in the country have received theirs - will go a long way to alleviate any further risk or worries to officers and their families.”