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Surrey DS Ashley Eyden nominated for the 2021 National Police Bravery Awards

2 November 2021

A Surrey Police officer who courageously prevented a woman from falling off a bridge above the M25 has been nominated for The National Police Bravery Awards.

Det Sgt Ashley Eyden was off duty, driving home in November 2020, when she noticed a distressed-looking woman walking towards the barrier of the M25 bridge.

Ashley stopped her vehicle to check on the woman, concerned for her state of mind and safety.

She found the woman climbing over the barrier and then standing on the other side of the barrier overlooking the busy motorway. Det Sgt Eyden immediately engaged with the woman, taking the opportunity to grab hold of one arm.

A member of the public stopped to help her and took hold of the woman too, as they both believed that she intended to jump.

Det Sgt Eyden encouraged the member of the public to talk with the woman, who was in a lot of distress and trying to free herself from their grip. Meanwhile Det Sgt Eyden flagged down passing cars to get further help, while still holding onto her.

Det Sgt Eyden managed the scene by asking another member of the public to call the police so that she could continue to talk to the upset woman and prevent her from jumping.

Holding onto the woman around her back in a bear hug, Det Sgt Eyden attempted to pull her back. With the help of other members of the public, she managed to pull the woman over the barrier.

Det Sgt Eyden offered reassurance and used a calm and professional manner to deescalate the incident and prevent the woman from coming to further harm, all while relaying information to the police.

A Neighbourhood Policing Team attended and the woman was taken into custody under section 136 of the Mental Health Act, so she could receive further specialised support.

Surrey Police Federation Chair Mel Warnes said colleagues were proud of Det Sgt Eyden and her work that day.

Mel said: “It is true to say that a police officer is never off duty and Ashley knew she had to intervene.

“If the woman had jumped, not only would this be catastrophic for the woman but also for the vehicles travelling on the road below.  

“Without a thought for their own safety, Ashley and the members of the public involved in this incident put themselves at risk to prevent the female from taking her own life. They were all incredibly courageous and in no doubt saved the lady’s life.”

As well as being nominated for The National Bravery Awards, PC Eydon was awarded a Chief Constable’s Commendation. The three members of the public who helped at the incident received Chief Constable’s Recognitions.

The National Police Bravery Awards honour officers from across England and Wales who have performed outstanding acts of bravery while on or off duty.

As a nominee, Det Sgt Eyden will attend an awards ceremony in London on 9 December 2021.  

The National Police Bravery Awards are sponsored by Police Mutual.


March 2025