90 days from today is Sun, 15 June 2025

Christmas and New Year Message from Mel Warnes, Chair of Surrey Police Federation

23 December 2021

Christmas and New Year Message from Mel Warnes, Chair of Surrey Police Federation.

Surrey Police Federation would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Once again, you have faced policing in unprecedented times and have continued in the best way you can. This year has faced more leave embargoes than normal owing to G7 and COP26. A big thank you for those who volunteered to police these events, as well as those who had to back-fill in Force.

Work is being undertaken at a National Federation level to ensure there is consistency in the future regarding Mutual Aid events as it cannot be right that some are compensated more favourably than others. Policing should not be a post code lottery.

There have been two Police Bravery events this year owing to not being able to host 2020’s nominees last year. It is always a pleasure to attend these events as it is a celebration of policing (despite the circumstances in which the nominees found themselves in). It is a shame the media don’t pick up more on these positive policing stories

2020 nominee was Stevie Spurgeon

2021 nominee was Ashley Eyden

This summer saw the start of this triennial elections for the Federation. Locally, Surrey Federation filled all their 31 representative places. Thank you to all those who put themselves forward to support and represent their colleagues.

This is the first time in a long while that we do not have any vacancies.

We have 14 completely new reps which is amazing, some with just a couple of years’ service. There are not many other Federations across England and Wales who can say the same. Being able to give a different perspective and bring fresh ideas can only be a positive for the Federation.

I know the pensions issue is having a negative effect on some of you and we are liaising with the Force regarding this and their messaging to you.

I remain in post as the Surrey Police Federation Chair, with Tom Arthur as Secretary and Danielle Mead as Treasurer. We welcome a fourth executive, Equality / Wellbeing lead with Elena Boafo who will be posted into the main office in February 2022. For a full list of reps visit our website: www.polfed.org/surrey

For those who are working at Christmas, please stay safe and well.

Wishing you all a happy and healthy Christmas with your nearest and dearest, friends and colleagues

Melanie Warnes, Chair
Surrey Police Federation


March 2025