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Surrey Police Federation Chair reacts to 2.5% police pay rise announcement

22 July 2019

“The slightly above inflation pay increase this year for Police is still an insult… proper funding from the Government is needed for the Police, and a budget increase is a necessity”

That is Surrey Police Federation Chair Mel Warnes’ reaction to the announcement today that police officers will be receiving a 2.5% pay rise for 2019.

The Home Office announced it will accept in full the recommendations of the Police Pay and Remuneration Body (PRRB) which is the independent body which advises the Government on what police officers should be paid.

It is the first time in three years that this has happened, with the Government previously attracting criticism for ignoring the PRRB’s recommendations regarding pay increases.

“The slightly above inflation pay increase this year for police is still an insult, despite the Government agreeing for the first time with the PRRB recommendation,” said Mel.

“Following the pay freeze in 2010 and less than inflation rises at 1% since then, this has meant Police officers’ pay is worth much less in real terms.

“This year’s pay increase is again to be paid from existing budgets which means cuts will have to be made. With increased demand on officers and more than ever suffering with work related stress and mental illness, the likely cuts to fund the increase will not have a positive outcome for already overworked, underpaid officers.

“Proper funding from the Government is needed for the Police, and a budget increase is a necessity moving forward with a new Prime Minister. They must commit the necessary funding to make their promises a reality.”

Reacting to the news PFEW National Chair John Apter said: “Police officers have suffered nine years of pay freezes and pay caps. So while this pay award represents the highest received since 2010 it is not what we and the Police Superintendents’ Association jointly asked for - however it is better than the derisory rise our members were given last year.

“And it is positive to see the Government abiding by proper process and accepting all the recommendations of the PRRB which it has failed to do for the past two years. But this must be just the start of getting police officers pay back to the level it should be.”

The pay rise – which will come into effect on 1 September 2019 – equates to around an extra £1,000* of pensionable salary a year for a constable.

Mr Apter continued: “This rise does little to redress the 18% real term pay cut our members have experienced over the past nine years, and the Government must go further.

“Before the next pay award, the Chancellor will announce the results of the Comprehensive Spending Review – and that must include substantial, centrally-funded investment to ensure the service is fully and properly resourced – encompassing a significant, real-term rise in officer pay.

“We have heard a lot of promises about the future of policing made by the two candidates vying to become Prime Minister – but whoever takes over must ensure that they commit the necessary funding to make these promises a reality, and to ensure the public gets the police service it needs and deserves,” Mr Apter said.

As well as the pay rise, which is applicable across all ranks, the Government announced:

 -  An increase in the on-call allowance from £15 to £20 per 24-hour period for all Federated ranks,
-  A 2.5% uplift in the Dog Handlers’ allowance,
-  A 2.5% uplift in London weighting, and
- No change for apprentice and degree holder progression pay, which means those joining the service will continue to receive the current incremental pay rises through their probationary period.

 * This takes into account salary plus allowances.