90 days from today is Sat, 14 June 2025
Surrey Police Federation is a Staff Association representing all Police Officers from the ranks of Constable, Sergeant, Inspector and Chief Inspector.
We provide both assistance and member services in many areas, which include welfare, pay and conditions of service, health and safety, conduct, performance, issues relating to the Police Regulations, legal, life insurance, injury claims and negotiations on behalf of Police Officers.
As a Federation, we have a responsibility to assist not only our members but also to help Surrey Police with Force efficiency and to identify problems as we see them which may have an adverse effect on the service delivered to the people of Surrey.
The National Police Federation was created by the Police Act 1919.
The Police Federation has evolved from being a voluntary, unfunded organisation in its early years, to a modern, professional Staff Association that covers all subjects and issues that affect the Police Service, including all aspects of pay, allowances, hours of duty, annual leave and pensions, ensuring the views of its members are heard.
Tel: 01372 352165
E-Mail: admin@surrey.polfed.org
Freedom of Information only enquiries to foi@polfed.org
Address: PFEW, Federation House, Highbury Drive, Leatherhead KT22 7UY
Surrey Police Federation are now based in the main at Federation House. However, an office at HQ in Guildford is retained, so we can still use this location if needed
Office Opening Times
Monday to Friday 0800 - 1600