90 days from today is Sat, 28 September 2024

Northamptonshire Police Federation

Register to attend this year’s National Police Memorial Day

12 April 2024

Northamptonshire officers are being encouraged to attend this year’s National Police Memorial Day service in Glasgow at the end of September.

The memorial day was founded by now retired Kent Inspector Joe Holness after his colleague Jon Odell was brutally killed in Margate in December 2000 with the first service being held in St Paul’s Cathedral in London on Sunday 3 October 2004.

Northamptonshire Police Federation chair Sam Dobbs explained: “The National Police Memorial Day honours our fallen colleagues. 

“In my career, I have been able to attend Memorial Days in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. And each time, the event enables the police family and the family of loved ones to come together, as one, as we remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving their communities. 

“It also gives us an opportunity to show their families that we never forget that sacrifice, nor the impact an officer’s death has on their families, friends and colleagues.

“It is an incredibly important event and I would urge all colleagues to attend the service at least once during their policing careers.”

The event rotates around the four nations of the UK each year and this year Scotland hosts the service at Glasgow’s Royal Concert Hall on Sunday 29 September. 

Find out more and book your place.