90 days from today is Sat, 22 March 2025

Northamptonshire Police Federation


The Local Board is the strategic decision making body of the Northants Police Federation.  The Board currently comprises of the following roles and meets 3 times a year, ahead of each Branch Council Meeting.

                                                                             Training and Development Lead

                                                                              Conduct and Performance Lead

                                                                                             Deputy Chair

                                                                                 Deputy Secretary / Treasurer

                                                                                      Health and Safety Lead

                                                                                               Equality Lead

Unless varied by the National Council, the NPF Chair shall have responsibility for Media and Communications; the Secretary shall have responsibility for Strategy and Business Development and the Treasurer shall have responsibility for Finance.

Each elected member of the Local Board shall have voting rights. Where a vote is required, decisions are made on the basis of a simple majority of those present and eligible to vote. The Chair shall have a casting/deciding vote.

The Local Board shall be accountable to the Local Branch Council.