90 days from today is Sat, 14 June 2025
4 March 2025
As the first part of the Federation tri annual voting cycle comes to a conclusion, I would firstly like to thank all the members who stood for election to become Workplace Representatives. I know the courage it takes to volunteer for this role, so thank you. To those who were successful in being elected, I congratulate you on your success, and hope you find the role rewarding.
This was the first election in a long time that was contested by so many, which I think reflects well for the future and demonstrates the enthusiasm of members to get involved in representing their fellow officers and supporting improvements in policing in general.
This year many newly elected members have less than 15yrs service, the youngest cohort of any recent election. Of a Council of 28, 39% are newly elected, 28% are female and 10% are from a BAME background. Kiren Shah becomes our first elected BAME female on the Council, congratulations to the Branch on that achievement.
As I reflect on the results of this election, I would like to pass on my thanks firstly to my Board and secondly to Mukund Krishna, Police Federation of England and Wales CEO. Mukund’s drive and enthusiasm over the past several years to push forward change in the organisation, to modernise an aging institution, has reflected well in electing members from diverse backgrounds who bring a wealth of experience from varied ranks, roles and disciplines.
As I approach retirement at the end of March 2025 after 30 years of public service, I can say the criticism of the Police Federation being male, pale and stale no longer rings true in Lancashire.
In the next few weeks, our new reps will undergo training and be equipped to assist our FT Divisional reps in each division.
To have a look who your reps are in your division, click on the box below
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