90 days from today is Fri, 13 June 2025
The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) is a national body which represents Police Officers up to and including the rank of Chief Inspector. We are a representative body, like a Trade Union but without the right to resort to industrial action. Our statutory remit is 'Welfare and Efficiency'.
Lancashire Police Federation is based at Lancashire Police HQ in a secure building based at 23-25 Hutton Hall Avenue. The Police Federation logo is displayed on the outside of the building.
Our team can help with advice or support whether that be a specific ongoing issue that you are experiencing or maybe you simply want a listening ear. We also work to find our members specials discounts and offers. Our partners specialising in Financial advice, Family Law Solicitors, Legal advice, Wills or Personal injury claim hold regular surgeries within our meeting rooms. Take a look in our diary page to find the next appointment and give us a ring or email to book a slot.
For urgent enquiries the contact details for our on call Rep can be found on the A-Z, Force Rota along side the on call PIM
Quick links to information on the National Police Federation website:
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