90 days from today is Sat, 14 June 2025

Gwent Police Federation

Fed rep elections: webinar for members interested in standing

13 January 2025

The nomination window for the Federation workplace representative elections is now underway and will remain open until Friday 24 January.

Voting will then be held between 3 and 25 February, and results are set to be announced two days after the closure of this period on 27 February.

Those wanting to know more about the role of a Fed rep can attend the virtual #FedElects Café tomorrow (14 January) at 4pm.

The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) session will be hosted by national wellbeing lead Hayley Aley and acting national board member Jon-Carter Lang.

Content will focus on the value of the workplace representative role to both the holder and their colleagues, as well as information on how you can nominate yourself.

You can register yourself for the session by visiting the PFEW website.

All federated ranks – including both regular officers and Specials – can stand for election and all Gwent Police Federation members should have been emailed details on how they can put themselves in contention.

Should candidates be successful, they will be automatically enrolled onto their Branch Council. From there, they can put themselves forward for a place on the local Branch Board and for further regional and national posts.

To help better reflect the diversity of the Federation and its wider community served by policing, those from underrepresented backgrounds are being encouraged to consider the opportunity brought by these elections.

Find out more on the Fed rep role here.

READ MORE: Meet Fed rep Jamie Jones.
