90 days from today is Sun, 15 June 2025
17 December 2024
I have served as a police officer in Gwent for over 17 years, supporting members through various levels of misconduct, including gross misconduct, UPP, local resolutions and reflective practice.
I have recently completed my advocacy course with a view of giving members the best advice and guidance possible when involved in misconduct.
I am PIP trained and work on call to support members during the PIP process and ensure everything is being run fairly.
I have supported members going for promotion by sitting in on various promotion panels and selection panels for new roles they may be applying for.
I have attended fed engagement days with new recruits to explain how the fed can help them throughout their career.
I have supported members regularly by offering and advice and guidance on regulations and legislation. This includes shift changes and allowance claims.
I have also advised on ill health retirement after completing the relevant course.
I have helped members through the fairness at work/ grievance process.
I have supported members through sickness meetings and ongoing welfare issues where I have arranged support and counselling where needed.
Thanks Matt for all your hard work.
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