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Gwent Police Federation

Federation launches new maternity guide

22 February 2023

A new guide and pay calculator has been produced by the Police Federation of England and Wales for members planning to take maternity leave.

The Federation has created the Maternity Guide to ensure members get accurate information about their pay and entitlements.

It highlights what to expect during pregnancy, while on maternity leave and when returning to work, and includes a maternity calculator to enable officers to accurately work out their pay.

Matthew Candy, Gwent Police Federation chair, said: “Pregnancy and the birth of a child is a really special time.

“It shouldn’t prevent you from working, from developing your career, and from feeling supported in your maternity leave and when returning to work – and this guide is packed with information to do just that.

“And the new maternity calculator will help members to work out exactly what pay they’re entitled to including in the event of having to start maternity leave early because of premature labour or pregnancy-related illness.”

Matthew added: “If you need further advice then your Federation is here to help as well.”

Read the Maternity Guide and use the maternity calculator.
