90 days from today is Mon, 16 June 2025
We are pleased to announce that the Police Federation has linked up with a preferred supplier for the the provision of Will Drafting, Trusts and Lasting Powers of Attorney.
Protego Consult is a local Wills & Estate Planning business and has assisted some of our own officers in the recent months.
Protego Consult has agreed to offer our officers a complementary FREE single or Mirror Will. Why is it FREE? Protego believes that everyone should be entitled to a FREE Will and works closely with businesses that operate within the public sector including Pembrokeshire County Council and NHS Bristol & Weston to offer such services.
You can simply log on to their website and click on the link to claim your FREE Will; with the delivery either virtually or face to face as agreed with you. For clarity, this offer also extends to partners/spouses of our officers. All other Trust planning and Lasting Power of Attorney services are a chargeable event. You will see future communications on their services at our Regular Branch Surgeries as well as in our own Federation magazine. Paul, Emma, Laura and the wider team at Protego will be pleased to hear from you and look forward to meeting with you in the coming months. Watch this space…
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