90 days from today is Mon, 16 June 2025

Gwent Police Federation


What should I do when I report sick?

You must notify your Line Manager immediately by telephone or within an hour of the commencement of what would have been your tour of duty. Try and inform your Line Manager of how long you are likely to be off. If your absence is likely to be in excess of 14 days, you are advised to contact your Divisional Federation Representative or the Federation Office, New Inn.

What if it is an injury on duty?

Ensure injury on duty form is submitted immediately. Go online to www.pfclaimline.co.uk as you may have a civil claim. Depending on the circumstances, you may also be able to claim from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) and Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) for an industrial injury. Contact the Federation Office at New Inn.

What if I have to go sick part way through a tour of duty?

Inform your Line Manager immediately. Generally, that day will not be counted towards your sickness absence.

What about resuming?

Resume as soon as you consider yourself fit for work even if this means resuming onto a rest day. This way, the number of days recorded as sickness absence will exclude the rest days if you intend resuming work after them.

What if I am on annual leave and have to go sick?

Sickness absence will take primacy over annual leave. However, you will have to obtain a Doctors MED3 certificate of sickness absence to cover the entire period.

What about holidays when I am on the sick?

Providing your holiday, or any other activity for that matter, does not impede, interfere with or is detrimental to your recovery there should be no issues. However, you must inform your Line Manager and it is good practice to seek guidance from your GP and/or Occupational Health before going.

What about attending Flint House?

If you attend Flint House during a period of sickness, the attendance will be recorded as such. If you are in the workplace, it will not be so counted.

What about the Welfare chalet?

The Chalet at Llanteglos is available for recuperative purposes although attendance is in your own time. Contact the Force Welfare Officer for details. To avail yourself of the use of the Chalet you have to be paying into the 'Welfare Fund'.

If I go sick, will I be subject of UPP?

Gwent police policy is to treat all sickness as genuine. However, there are occasions when Line Managers should CONSIDER instigating the informal stage of the UPP process at an Attendance Support Meeting. The circumstances are:-

  • 3 periods of sickness in 6 months
  • 4 periods of sickness in 12 months.
  • Where sickness exceeds the current target.
  • Where there is a clearly defined pattern of sickness.

Having CONSIDERED the circumstances, the Line Manager may instigate Management Intervention setting an Action Plan with various criteria. In the main, those criteria will be to return to the workplace by a certain date and maintain attendance the Action plan can last up to 6 months. If you do not achieve the Action Plan you may then be placed on the First Stage of the police Efficiency (Attendance Regs).

What about removal of the right to self-certify absence up to 7 days?

The Force accept there are no grounds to remove the right to self-certify absence of up to 7 days and there is no legal entitlement to do so.

Has the Line Manager got to give me any notice of the Management Intervention interview?

Yes. The line manager must write to the officer inviting him or her to the meeting. 5 calendar days notice of the meeting must be given. If the officer is unable to attend efforts will be made to reschedule the meeting. It must be noted that the meeting may take place in the officers absence.

Can I be represented by the Federation during the Management Intervention interview?


Can they impose the Action Plan?

Yes, but clearly it is always better to try and reach agreement on a reasonable, achievable and sustainable Action Plan.

Can I appeal against the Action Plan?

Yes, you can appeal to the next Line Manager as with all the stages of UPP. Seek the advice of your Federation Representative.

What if it's an injury on duty?

Injuries on duty and pregnancy related absences should be excluded from the Trigger Points and Bradford Score. Linked absences will generally be counted as one for these purposes. If it is an injury on duty, ensure the Injury on Duty form is submitted to your Personnel Manager and send a copy to the Federation office. If your absence is pregnancy related contact your Reserve (Female) Representative or Federation office for advice and assistance.

What if I can't return to work by the stated date or breach one of the other criteria?

Where there is a breach you may move to Stage 1 of the process, your Line Manager must notify you in writing of the time, date and place of the interview. You are entitled to be represented at that meeting and you should therefore contact your Federation Representative or Federation office as soon as possible.

What are the stages?

The first stage is 'Attendance Support Meeting' is intended to be informal. The second is the 'First Formal Stage', third is the 'Second Formal Stage' and fourth 'Third Stage Meeting'. You can be represented by your Federation Friend at all stages.

Can I be sacked?

The entire procedure is intended to be supportive process as oppose to punitive. The Organisation have a part to play in providing that support and assistance. However, at the 'Third Stage Meeting', the ultimate sanction for the ACPO is the requirement to resign.

What if they set a date for a return which is not achievable?

It is important to engage in a Regulatory process which deals with sickness absence. Reasonable, achievable and sustainable criteria should be negotiated although target dates will be set if one cannot be agreed.

What about starting back on recuperative duties?

There are circumstances when you can return to recuperative duties although only when you are able to resume your core substantive duties within 28 days of returning. Again, contact your Federation Representative or office.

What if I return and then can't get back to my core duties within the 28 days?

Your Line Manager must refer your case to Occupational Health who can extend that period.

What if I can return to work in a restricted capacity although it is unlikely I will be able to return?

Your Line Manager, in consultation with Occupational Health and your People Services Manager should consider the appropriateness of such a rerun. An Action Plan should be prepared. You are advised to contact your local Federation Representative or office.

Can I appeal against the decision or Action Plan?

Yes, contact your Federation friend.

What about UPP Action Plans set when I am on restricted duties?

The Force's current approach is that, irrespective of the core duties and role you perform, if you do not have an operationally deployable capability, you may, after medical opinion, be determined restricted. Time gates will be set within Action Plans to achieve that operational capacity. It is therefore important you make regular contact with your Federation friend who will be able to make representations on your behalf.

How long do these restricted duties last?

Generally they will last no longer that 12 months during which the condition has improved and the restriction lifted or it may become evident it is of a permanent nature. Consideration may be given to referring you to a Selected Medical Practitioner (SMP) for a decision on permanence. In such circumstances, if you have not already done so, you are urged to contact your Federation friend.

What about ill health retirement?

Since Police Reform and as a consequence of Home Office and PNB Guidance, the emphasis is on the retention of Officers who are determined by an SMP to be 'permanently disabled from performing the ordinary duties of a member of the Police Force'.

If I can't return to work in any capacity for a long time, what about pay?

After a continuous period of 6 months absence or an accumulated period of 6 in the last 12, consideration will be given by ACPO to reducing your pay to half. There are strict criteria when ACPO can consider affording favourable discretion and you should contact your Federation friend. If you do move to half pay, or even where discretion is afforded, you should claim Employment Support Allowance from the DWP.

What about the Federation Insurance?

The Group Insurance Scheme does make payments to members of the Scheme who are on half pay or no pay, should you require further information then consult your policy book or the Federation Office.

What about contact with the Organisation during a period of sickness?

Regular contact must be maintained with your Line Manager throughout your absence particularly if it is long term. There are circumstances where contact can be with another nominated individual and advice should be sought from your Divisional Federation Representative or Federation office.

What about the Force paying for operations?

The Force has a limited budget for Private Medical Intervention and there are criteria set for those who wish to claim from it. You should contact the Occupational Health for the relevant forms.

Have the Force got to make reasonable adjustments?

If you are for the purposes of the Disability Discrimination Act 'disabled' the Organisation is legally bound to make reasonable adjustments enabling you to return to or remain within the workplace. Provision of specialist equipment and office furniture can also be arranged although you should contact Access to Work yourself as the process is client led.
