Please read the below details regarding their policy following the Corona Virus
The Travel Insurance scheme gives comprehensive insurance to the member and their spouse or live in partner, unmarried children under the age of 23 years living at home for holiday travel anywhere in the world for as many holidays as you may wish to take. Please note that this insurance is only available for persons residing in the UK.
Maximum duration of any trip 60 days (cover may be extended beyond 60 days for an additional premium arranged direct with the brokers, Philip Williams & Company).
Please note that winter sports cover is for a maximum period of 17 days only.
It also gives cover for holidays within the UK where an overnight stay is involved, or air travel is used.
Below is the Travel Insurance application form and policy document. Please email the completed Travel Insurance applicaiton form to Esther -
Important – Pre-Existing Health Conditions
It is essential that you advise the insurers of any pre-existing health conditions, including a medical condition suffered by a close relative on whose health the policy holder’s travel plans may depend. Please ring Philip Williams on 01925 604421 to discuss your insurance application as failure to declare any such conditions may result in you not being insured.
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