Essex Police Federation

Federation urges colleagues who are struggling with the cost of living to get in touch

29 January 2024


Essex Police officers who are struggling to put food on the table are being urged to contact the Federation if they need food vouchers, after the Federation saw a six-fold increase in officers coming forward at Christmas.  


The Federation is working with the Benevolent Fund to provide £50 food vouchers for a variety of supermarkets. In addition, retired Essex Police officers are making regular donations to support working officers who are in need. 


Essex Police Federation Chair Laura Heggie said: “In November and December 2022, we issued 11 food vouchers, but in November and December 2023, it went up to a staggering 68 vouchers. 


“The vouchers are available throughout the whole year, I should make that clear. But we do a little push just before Christmas, as it’s such an expensive time.” 


She continued: “Towards the end of last year, our Essex retired officers became aware of the amount of officers who were struggling to feed themselves and their families, so they got involved and now regularly donate each month towards food vouchers, to assist their serving colleagues who cannot afford to buy enough food, which is a massive thank you to them” 


Many new recruits had taken a pay cut to join policing, Laura added. She said: “All credit to them for doing it and making sacrifices. But it’s not just new recruits it’s officers across the board, everyone has been hit by the cost of living, and we have to make sure that when officers are struggling, they call out and tell us. The amount of times I’ve emails from officers who manage to feed their children, but then they go without a meal. That can’t be right.  


“They won’t be able to continue like that. They’re going to get ill and they’re not going to be performing to the best of their ability. 


“So I give credit to those people for swallowing their pride and reaching out, because then I can see if there’s anything else that can be done from the Benevolent Fund to assist them in their situation.”  


Laura said her message to members was: “Please get in touch if you’re struggling. We don’t have all the answers and we cannot solve money problems overnight. But we can do a little bit to try and help.” 


“I’d also like to remind officers to sign up to the Benevolent Fund not only to help them when they need it - and to get access to Flint House - but also so the money is there to help others in need.”  
