Essex Police Federation

Christmas and New Year Message from Laura Heggie Essex Police Federation Chair

23 December 2024

As the Christmas period is nearly upon us, we wanted to acknowledge that when loads of people will be relaxing with their families over the Festive period, many of you will be working.

You will be missing the kids waking up on Christmas Day and the excitement that comes with that, leaving your families behind to go out in the cold, missing your Christmas dinner, the Kings speech, having to get the finale of Gavin & Stacey on catch up and staying sober.

But all those sacrifices are made to keep the people of Essex safe and because that is what you do.

For those members of the public that do need us over the festive period, those sacrifices are very much appreciated, they may not always say it, but without us Essex would be a worse place.

A reminder that our Federation Welfare Van continues to be available to support you if needed all over the festive period, a big thank you to all our volunteers who make that possible.

I am on call for the whole period... but in the nicest possible way I really hope not to see any of you, cos that normally means something hasn’t gone to plan!

So, thank you for all you do, make the most of the time off you do get, look after each other and stay safe.
From the Fed team we wish you and your families a Merry Christmas.