Essex Police Federation

Off-duty Essex Police officer who performed CPR on a man taken ill on a busy motorway has been recognised with a Federation Bravery Award

12 May 2023

A police officer who was off-duty and on the way home from a night shift when she performed CPR on a man taken ill on a busy motorway, has won an Essex Police Federation Bravery Awards.

On the morning of 17 June 2022 a road traffic collision occurred on the northbound M11 when the driver of a BMW took ill at the wheel and slumped forward, unconscious. His foot was stuck on the accelerator, and the car struck other vehicles. The frantic wife of the casualty, who was in the passenger seat, tried to bring the vehicle under control, but it carried on rolling forward despite her best efforts.

A member of the public was driving his van along the motorway and saw what was happening. He shouted at the wife to steer into the back of him. The member of the public moved his vehicle in front of the out-of-control vehicle and brought it to a safe stop with minimal damage.

Off-duty police officer PC Amelia De La Serna was a few cars behind the accident. Entering live lanes of traffic, she assisted the member of the public with removing the casualty from the driver’s seat of the car, and between them they carried out CPR for 10 minutes until the arrival of other emergency services.

The M11 at the time was very busy and was one of the hottest days of the year.

On body-worn video, it can be seen that PC De La Serna was thanked by a senior paramedic who commended her on her first-aid skills and said it was like having another member of ambulance staff there.

Unfortunately the driver of the car died not long after the incident.

PC De La Serna said: “I could see that there was a BMW and it was just stopped, and it was an open top one. The driver was slumped forward in the seat. Because of the job that we do, it’s quite in me to recognise when something’s a medical emergency. He wasn’t moving and his eyes were open, so I thought, ‘Oh God’.

“I pulled into the hard shoulder and got out, and as I went towards the car his wife was there and screaming, and a member of the public, who I later found out had actually brought him to a stop, because he’d obviously been swerving all over the motorway, he said that he didn’t know what was going on, so I though, ‘Okay, first things first, call the police and just get them to block the motorway off, because we’re in a dangerous position’.”

She added: “I’m really proud to be recognised by the Federation for my work that day. I wasn’t expecting it at all and I still say that I don’t feel like I deserve it, because it’s something that you’re trained to do, or you join the job to do.”

Essex Police Federation Chair Laura Heggie said: “What an incredibly dynamic incident this was. The actions of the member of the public who placed himself in danger to help a stranger, are exemplary but our off duty colleague PC Amelia De La Serna also deserves huge credit.

“Once again this shows how police officers are much more than crime fighters – it also shows how our brave colleagues in Essex strive to keep the public safe both on and off duty.

“I commend both Amelia and the member of the public on their actions that day, in extremely difficult circumstances.”

Laura added: “Our thoughts remain with the family and loved ones of the man who passed away that day.”

PC De La Serna will attend the Essex Police Federation Bravery Awards on Thursday 18 May.

At the event a winner will be announced who will travel to London for the National Police Federation Bravery Awards in July.

The lead sponsor for the Awards is The Northern Police Healthcare Scheme.

Also sponsoring the Awards are Rates Group, No 1 Copperpot Credit Union, Metfriendly, Slater Gordon, Flint House Police Rehabilitation, Uniform Mortgages, THB Legal, George Burrows, Arc Legal and Police Mutual.

The hashtag for the event is #EssexFedBravery.
