Essex Police Federation

“Police Officers are human and vulnerable from this virus too.”

22 February 2021

Essex Police Federation Chair Laura Heggie on the challenges Lockdown 3 is bringing to policing and the reality of what officers are facing in the country as they work to keep people safe from Covid-19.

Laura said: “This much publicised increase in infection rate isn’t just affecting the public, we in Essex Police currently have the highest amount of positive results for officers and staff that we have had.

“The figures are double what they were at the peak last year. The infection rate and self-isolating are soaring.

“We are hearing more and more of people being severely affected and dying with Covid-19 who have no underlying conditions. The reality of the risks Essex Police officers are taking every day is hitting home and they are worried for their own safety and that of their families.

“Even with the fear everyone is feeling Officers in Essex just this past weekend were still having to deal with vile, selfish, ignorant people who think it is acceptable to not only cough at officers claiming to be Covid positive but to spit and fight. Officers are human and vulnerable from this virus too.”

Laura has previously called for officers to be on the priority list for the vaccine.

She added: “As we have done throughout the Pandemic in Essex the officers continue to work and put themselves at risk in order to protect the public.

“With the infection rate throughout Essex being one of the highest in the country, officers are understandably anxious and we believe that priority should be given to officers once the Elderly, extremely vulnerable and NHS have received the vaccine.”
