Essex Police Federation

More officers speaking out and asking for help with their mental health

30 November 2020

More officers than ever before are coming forward and seeking help with their mental health, Essex Police Federation has said.

Greater awareness and transparency around welfare is something that must be welcomed and enhanced, Laura Heggie, Essex Police Federation Chair, said.

A total of 282 Essex Police officers took time off work due to stress, depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder in the previous year, figures have shown.

Laura said: “Mental health over the years was a topic that was traditionally shunned, whereas now there’s so much more awareness in relation to it, both from officers and their managers. And there are now so many more facilities available.

“Officers have become much more prepared to speak out and to ask for that help, which has got to be seen as a good thing. Let’s not forget that police officers see horrendous things every day, and that does mount up and take its toll. At some point even the hardest person in the world is going to break if they are not given the proper support.

“It’s really important that people who are struggling know to seek help early on so that something can be put in place to prevent the officers either having to go off or suffering really severe mental health issues – when there could be an intervention at an early stage that may prevent all of that from happening.”

Laura praised the Welfare Team at Essex Police, which she said was “excellent but very busy and understaffed.”

She added: “Officers need to know there are various types of counselling available. There is 24/7 contact available to officers and family members and we at the Federation have the Welfare Support Programme. Likewise all Taser officers and firearms officers have the additional protection around the Police Firearms Officers Association where they can seek support in relation to mental health. We would always welcome more help, but at the moment we are doing well. There is plenty of support available, so if you are struggling with your mental health, please speak out of contact your Federation Rep for help.”
