30 November 2020
Police officers have been donating money to support a colleague who was seriously injured in Grays last month.
The unnamed officer was injured on duty on Saturday 31 October. She was taken to hospital by air ambulance where she was treated for serious but thankfully non-life changing or life-threatening injuries.
Laura Heggie, Essex Police Federation Chair, who visited the officer in hospital, said she will be out of action “for months and months”.
She said: “She had quite significant injuries – she so easily could have been killed. The public and officers have kindly been donating, and they have collected over £2,000. But I’d encourage anyone else who wants to donate to visit the Just Giving Page.
“The officer is back home recovering and being supported very well, not only by colleagues from her shift and station but the organisation as a whole, this was an extremely frightening incident. To hear the officer recount the events made me go cold. It serves as a reminder to all officers as she was just on duty, doing her job. It was a routine traffic stop that ended so badly through no fault of her own. She was just in the wrong place at the wrong time but that could have been any officer and all officers should be able to go home at the end of their shift, not end up in Hospital.”
To support the officer, go to: www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/officerdowningrays?utm_medium=email&utm_source=ExactTarget&utm_campaign=20201126_
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