Essex Police Federation

Introducing the new Essex Police Federation Chair Laura Heggie

29 June 2020

Supporting members through the next phase of COVID-19 and improving communications is high up on the to-do list of Essex Police Federation’s new Chair.

Former Vice-Chair Laura Heggie has now taken over the role officially from outgoing Steve Taylor who’s left to take up a board-level position with the PFEW.

Laura, a sergeant with the Essex force, has six years under her belt at the Federation and 28 years’ experience as a serving officer.

As well as Vice-Chair, for the past 18 months, she’s been the Federation’s lead on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion matters.

It’s all been great experience to help her deal with the challenges the top role will bring, she says.

“I’m always learning, and the bonus I’ve had for the Chair role is that I’ve been Vice-Chair for the last four years and have worked closely with Steve,” she said.

“We’re good friends anyway and have always worked well together, so we’ve discussed a lot of the things he was involved in before he left anyway.

“It means I’m not coming in on a false start and I have a good understanding of what’s going on and have been involved. Hopefully, I’m hitting the ground running, which is helpful, especially as Steve has gone so quickly.”

The challenges presented by COVID-19 are still very much on the agenda – and Laura says the Federation and force are preparing themselves for the potential impact of track and trace which could have a significant effect on cover if officers are forced to self-isolate.

“I sat on the Silver COVID-19 Group, and now I’m on the Gold Group too,” Laura says, “as well as picking up on the other meetings and other work. We will shortly be recruiting for the vacant Fed roles too, so it’s a bit of a challenge at the moment.

“Lockdown has almost become unpoliceable with all the restrictions that have relaxed. Social Distancing at present hasn’t changed, and track and trace is one of our big concerns.

“Now it’s up and running, even those with no symptoms might have to self-isolate for 14 days if they have been in contact with someone who had it.

“We’re working with the force to keep an eye on it. It could have a real issue on cover and even wipe out shifts. That’s why social distancing is important still  and if they can’t then they must wear PPE– but it’s not easy for police officers.

“They’ve got to come in still and do their shifts as best they can.”

Ensuring communications are two-way, allowing members to have their say and share their opinions is a bug-bear she wants to tackle.

“We’ve always have been and always will be answerable to our members,” she said.

“I want to make that easier and to ensure officers are informed about what’s going on so they can have an informed opinion.

“We can’t always give members the answer they want; I can’t just tell them what they want to hear because that’s not helpful either. We won’t and can’t avoid those difficult conversations.”

Issues around pay and pensions won’t be going away any time soon either and I know pensions understandably causes a great deal of pain and animosity

“I’ve taken on the role of Chair for the same reason I’ve been a Fed Rep – I’m hoping I can help people but just at a different level now. I can speak up for people and make sure those who aren’t being treated fairly have a voice and know about the policies and procedures they need to know about to do they’re job.

“I know Mr Harrington [Essex Police Chief Constable], and we’ve already had a meeting. I’m confident we’ll carry on our good working relationship.”

Laura says she wants members to remember the Fed is their organisation and is there for them.

“Come and speak to us – Reps are approachable. If you have a problem, don’t let it dwell,” she said.

“If we don’t know about a problem, we can’t do anything about it; please tell us about it so we can help you.

“Essex officers have done a fantastic job through COVID-19. The risks they put themselves and their family at, it’s not an easy decision to make about coming into work.

“They’ve adapted throughout, and I would ask them just to continue and please don’t be complacent about the virus.”

