Essex Police Federation

Demand on police increases as lockdown eases

18 August 2020

The easing of COVID-19 lockdown restrictions and the re-opening of pubs and bars has increased the demand placed on Essex Police officers.

The county’s Police Federation says a recent Friday night beat the record for most 999 shouts in one evening as members report they are going to ‘job, after job, after job.’

Officers still have concerns about the virus, and how a second wave might affect them and their families, Essex Police Federation Chair Laura Heggie said, but for now at least, things are almost back to normal.

“Over the last two weeks there’s been a massive increase in demand, and I’d say it’s actually beyond what we would normally be expecting at this time of year,” she said.

“Some of it will be the lovely weather that we’ve had which has brought people out. Also, people have been cooped up at home for a long time; they’re now making the most of getting out.

“We’ve had lots of gatherings of people which we continue to try and encourage people not to do because the threat is still there from coronavirus and we’re starting to see, especially in other countries, the peaks are going back up, and it’s starting to affect us.

“But I think people have gone stir crazy and that’s why they now want to be out, which then causes issues for officers as well,” Laura added.

“One Friday night was the most amount of calls we’ve ever taken in a day, and then after getting through that, it was beaten again on the Saturday night with in excess of 1360. The reports I’m getting back from officers over the weekend, it was just absolutely ridiculous.

“It was just job, job, job. At the moment I’d say our resourcing is still really good. But we are still struggling with sheer demand.”

The virus continues to be of concern to officers and their families particularly as the country now seems resigned to another pandemic wave arriving in the autumn.

Travel quarantine rules are also threatening officers’ much-needed breaks and holidays.

“A lot of officers felt they might be exempt from quarantine rules,” Laura said.

“I don’t necessarily know why; our role doesn’t make us immune. But I know it’s caused a lot of issues, especially since the enforcement of the quarantine from Spain, a lot of officers are now missing out on holidays that were booked during the summer, especially those that have booked them post-COVID.

“The organisation is trying to accommodate that and allowing people to work from home but if it’s not possible then officers have to cover that quarantine period with other leave.

“For instance, if they have a week abroad then they have to take an extra two weeks’ annual leave just to cover the quarantine period, which is having a massive effect on officers.

“It now leaves them having to make an informed decision as to whether or not they’re going to take that holiday or cancel it.

“But it’s so essential for officers wellbeing to take their leave and get that break away.”
